Substance Designer Learnings - From Making a Cake

Making Of / 02 June 2020
Here's some tips/takeaways from the last Substance Designer materials I made for the Mayterials challenge.

First have some cake :)

This was a great opportunity to re-use the strawberry material I had made before.

One thing that helps selling the gelatine cover on top is blurring the lower parts of the strawberries with a non-uniform blur. Think that's also great for puddles etc.!

Also height blend was really useful for blending all the different materials together for this! Plus it gives you a really handy mask (I added the blend node to show you the mask).

  Also I made this simple alien runes/ glyph generator!

Here's how it works.

The tile samplers are offset so that they fill in the spaces in between the square grid. I use a perlin noise to drive which places get filled in, so that it feels like it has more structure to it.

I experimented a bit on what it could be used for. Ended up making sort of a temple floor pattern/ mosaic with it :) (2 glyphs, each in a different shape mapper).

Hope this was interesting! Thanks for looking :)